New Zealand | The Southern Realm
New Zealand | The Southern Realm is my first publication, a documentation of the first five years of my photographic journey, one that has been full of many ups and downs. I am dedicated to this land and this path. This place and I are inseparable and I only hope that through my imagery you can take with you, wherever in the world you may live, a part of New Zealand to cherish. Strive to look for the wonder of nature wherever you call home, and give time to find solitude in your everyday life. May this book be a reminder of that for you.
New Zealand | The Southern Realm brings nature into your life, I want to share my experiences and my deep connection with this land with you, this is a book to cherish and to share.
I want to share these visions with you, I want to inspire others to seek out nature, to find peace in solitude, and to spend more of life being less busy and being more passionate about what matters most to you.